Table of Content

Chapter 1: Introduction to Spring Boot

  • What is Spring Boot and why use it?
  • Advantages of using Spring Boot
  • Prerequisites for using Spring Boot

Chapter 2: Getting Started with Spring Boot

  • Creating a simple Spring Boot project
  • Running a Spring Boot application
  • Understanding the project structure

Chapter 3: Spring Boot Configuration

  • Overview of Spring Boot configuration options
  • Application properties
  • YAML files
  • Profiles

Chapter 4: Building RESTful Web Services with Spring Boot

  • Introduction to RESTful web services
  • Creating REST endpoints
  • Handling requests and returning responses
  • Best practices for building RESTful web services with Spring Boot

Chapter 5: Data Access with Spring Boot

  • Overview of data access with Spring Boot
  • JDBC and JPA
  • Integrating with different databases (MySQL, Oracle, etc.)
  • MongoDB and NoSQL databases

Chapter 6: Spring Boot Security

  • Overview of Spring Boot security features
  • Authentication and authorization mechanisms
  • Configuring Spring Security in a Spring Boot application

Chapter 7: Testing in Spring Boot

  • Best practices for testing Spring Boot applications
  • Unit testing with JUnit and Mockito
  • Integration testing
  • Testing RESTful web services

Chapter 8: Spring Boot Actuator

  • Overview of Spring Boot Actuator
  • Configuring and monitoring Spring Boot applications
  • Using Actuator endpoints

Chapter 9: Spring Boot Best Practices

  • Best practices for developing and deploying Spring Boot applications
  • Error handling and logging
  • Performance optimization
  • Scalability and microservices architecture

Chapter 10: Advanced Spring Boot Topics

  • Dockerization of Spring Boot applications
  • Deploying Spring Boot applications on the cloud (AWS, Azure, etc.)
  • Using Spring Cloud for distributed systems